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About Me

Hi! I'm Kit, and I am a concept artist based in Liverpool! While I have been an artist for around eight years, I have experimented with different specialisms. I started with portrait art, attempting to make the portraits as close to the reference image as possible, after spending several years doing this, I moved focus to creating illustrations of plants and animals. But I wanted to incorporate my art into games.


This caused me to focus on character illustration whilst I was studying for my degree in Games Design, after completing my degree I still felt I wanted to improve my skills. So, I returned to the University of Central Lancashire to complete a master's degree, once again, in Games Design. This time, I changed my focus to concept art, both for characters and for props. 


And this brings us to today! I have put together my updated portfolio on this site, which is also viewable on my ArtStation. I am looking for a role that challenges me creatively, if you think there is a role I would fit into let me know! 

About Me and Contact: Bio


Thanks for taking the time to look at my portfolio, if you would like to get in touch you can do so via email, LinkedIn or any of my social media accounts.




Other social media:

About Me and Contact: Bio
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